“Guapiles” Cubensis, pronounced, “gwa-pee-les”, is a young genetic line collected by Drew on March 10th, 2021, in the town of Guapiles Costa Rica. The cattle fields offer a rough terrain with large boulders scatter through the fields. Hillsides with sudden cliff drops were not uncommon to stumble upon while hunting (so be sure to keep your head up!). A percentage of each print sold goes directly to our local guides Ice-Sunshine and Fab, who will use the money to continue spreading the mycelial web in central America. Ice and Fab led us on hunts all around the country, where we find Panaeolus Cyanescens as well Psilocybe Caerulescens. Fab says the fields of Guapiles are particularly spiritual to the locals. Spirit guides will take your hand and guide you to the mushrooms of this area.
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